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Clinical Nutrition  & Therapeutic Diet

"Certain medical conditions demand Diet as a Therapy"

We provide consultation & nutrition for people with health conditions due to :

  • Cancer

  • Peptic Ulcer

  • Diabetes Type II DM

  • Diabetes Type II DM

  • Kidney Disorders

Certain medical conditions need the patients to be extra vigilant about their food intake and nutrition so that the body maintains the required immunity necessary to fight the decease or a long-running medical condition. 

At Red Apple Wellness Diets Center, we have engaged with a team of experts and physicians & together we work on "personalized" & "customized" ​nutrition and diet plan for people as per the disease, health condition, and their medical treatments. 

We follow a careful process of 

  • Checking the BCA report (Body Composition Analysis to know your inner health)

  • Checking the blood reports

  • Consulting your physicians and doctors 

  • Understanding allergies and medicines 

We work out a diet accordingly to your medicine or as a "combination" with your medicine. 

A medical condition or a long-running treatment may bring your morale down. But we shall work out your diet plan as per your "likes and dislikes" & a tasty, healthy, home made food is something that will definitely help elevate your mood and quicker relief from your treatment.

A healthy & happy mind will help you overcome all the medical conditions with flying colors!!!! 

Clinical nutrition is nutrition of patients in health care - both patients visiting the clinics as well as patients in the hospitals. Nutrition and dietetics for people w...
Clinical Nutrition
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Clinical Nutrition Consultations

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